
Advertising agency x film. Dortmund x Essen.

"What are you guys?" - we get asked all the time. A video production or an advertising agency?

Especially in the B2B environment of our locations in Dortmund and Essen, we are often mentioned in the same breath as colleagues from the classic agency scene. There are good reasons for this. After all, FYNAL has its own marketing unit and offers its customers a wide variety of services from a typical agency portfolio. Nevertheless, we would and will never call ourselves a classic advertising agency.

Whether in the context of a cross-media campaign development or a social media support - every project implementation is based on the medium of film or has arisen in connection with a moving image request.  

Whether advertising agency or film production - we love and live campaigns with moving images.

We prefer to call it: Strategic Film Production.

Our consulting approach is obvious. After all, we can produce the greatest and most emotional video for our customers. However, it's no use if no one sees it. That's why we call ourselves a strategic film production company. Thanks to the proven expertise of our marketing and brand building specialists, our clients can benefit from this service. Our working method is very similar to that of a creative agency. At the beginning there is the analysis. This is followed by the concept, then the implementation and finally the evaluation. In other words, classic project management . The goal: every project is about addressing a specific target group. No more and no less.

So how can the initial question be answered? Definitely not with, "A little bit of both." The FYNAL mindset ticks differently. We are moving in a time of media sensory overload. People are confronted with new technological developments and communication channels ever faster. Those who cling to old structures will fall by the wayside in the long run. At FYNAL, we rethink ways of working, see ourselves as an agile media company and operate out of our headquarters in Dortmund and our second headquarters in Essen.

We want to tell our customers' stories and make sure they end up in the right channels and are seen by the right people.
How far and intensively we go in the process remains flexible. Can we be a pure film service provider on behalf of and based on a concept? Sure. Can we invent campaigns ourselves, analyze target groups, create content, manage social media channels and provide full consulting and support? Absolutely. You choose!

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